nEw aDdiCtiOn...

i have done so little in the line of creativity since i've been living back in canada, and working...  i feel almost deprived.....  i hope that the summer sun gives me more energy to be more creative more often....

So, i finally got myself some copic markers, and a few magnolia stamps....  and here's my second card...  i had made another one, but forgot to take photo's before giving it to the intended person... shucks!  anyway, it's so much fun, tilda is just the cutest little thing....  need to develop my colouring skills again, but really really enjoying this side of the craft!  i'm not one who likes to make cards, but making THIS type of card, is just as much fun as a 12x12 lo.  hope you like my card....

take care, all you beautiful people!  and thanks so much for stopping by!!!


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