eVeR LaY aWaKe AlL nIGhT wItH iDeAs RuNnInG tHrOuGh YoUr MiNd????

Oh my word, last night i lay awake with sooooo many ideas running through my mind.... i'm sooo hoping i can remember them all and put them on paper!!!

Here's a layout i started at the kaisercraft scrap day, continued at our ladies thursday get together, and just didn't know where i was going with it....  anyway, thank goodness, got a brain wave last night, and finished it off.......  whatcha think?

Check it out - Alex has come to look what's happening.......

hmmmmm.......  doesn't smell like there's any flowers here?.?.?
ok, let me do the tongue test.... there just may be some nectar or pollen in this loopy thing......

And there's Baby, just watching what Alex is up to......  "That's just paper silly girl"

okay, off to more scrapping then............
Have a great weekend everyone!!!!


  1. Hey there, please leave a comment, I just love to hear from you all!!!! (",)


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