mY sTyLe EvOlViNg???

Gees, it seems like I haven't posted anything in ages...
Was busy yesterday and Monday, scrapping a little, but it seems I have a bit of a "scrappers block" somewhere along the line......  mostly I sat and found myself day-dreaming......  hmmmmmm.....

Anyway, I did some dora the explorer layout's - very simple, and really cute..... I wish I had a little grandaughter....... or maybe I could adopt a little girl.....  aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, if only.......

I never thought I'd use these papers, but man, they look so cute with girly thingies.....

i LOVE these colours.....  funky and fun!!!!

awe, cute little monkey!  I don't know who I like more, dora or the monkey.......

aaaaahhhhhh...  makes me long for the sparkly white stuff in Canada again..............

Simple, plain and really fun! 
anyone wanna lend me a daughter for a while?????

Till next time gals....


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