aNoThEr TwO tO aDd To mY cOlLeCtIoN

So, here's another two pages that's going on e-bay...
The first is the one I started at make'ntake, finished at home last night. 
I didn't know where to place the heading, wanted something different, so I came up with this idea to make a banner type heading, glued the letters to a ribbon with that liquid glass stuff from ctmh, and voila!  I quite like the outcome, even if I say so myself...... I haven't stuck the letters down, so I keep on picking the page up and jiggle it around to see how the letters hang freely. (I know Bron always finds herself talking to herself.... but am I taking "crazy" to the next level by playing with my sb pages???)  {Anyone else play with their sb pages???}

some embossing yo add texture.....  LOVE TEXTURE!!!

Apple of my eye, started this on Thursday, finished it yesterday too.  Think I'll make some more of these, a few a little different.  Hopefully they'll sell.......
Hey guys, need some prayer for some e-bay sales please...............

Well, another week's on it's way.....  Have a great one everyone!!!!


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